VIMATHERM PHE is a dismantlable Gasketed Plate and Frame Heat Exchange, specially designed to guarantee the best operation and the longest lifetime for each of its components.

VIMATHERM heat exchanger plates are pressed in one single stroke by large tonnage hydraulic presses. This enables compliance to extremely tight tolerance, allowing large plate packs to be perfectly aligned in when assembled.

The profile of the plates has been specially designed to generate high turbulence, which guarantees high heat transfer rates and a resistance to fouling higher than average.


VIMATHERM technologies ensure one of the longest lifetimes for plates and gaskets and one of the lowest life-cycle costs on the market, due to:

Why choose VIMATHERM heat exchangers

Most plate heat exchangers on the market use metal against metal tightening technology. This technology  compresses definitively the gasket in its groove to its lowest tightening size, which means it has to be changed as soon as the exchanger is dismantled for the first times, in most cases.

VIMATHERM technology allows all the exchangers of the range to have an average tightening size ex works, which allows to adapt progressively the retightening of the equipment after each dismantling, until it reaches its lowest tightening size (contact metal/metal).

With this technique,  plates are not tighten metal against metal at the first assembly but only after several dismantleling operations. This process protects the gasket and allows its  re-use for several maintenance and cleaning cycles.

This technology was achieved to fulfil industrial requirements, and allows VIMATHERM heat exchangers to have one of the lowest life cycle costs on the market (purchase price + operational costs).